
Our curiosity and our imagination led us to plan what is neither a game nor a book, but a place where children can feel safe and comforted. We feel safe when we snuggle under blankets as well as when we sit under the foliage of a big tree. Here is the “treehouse”, a simple, smart, little place, which is also adventurously childish and mysteriously real. A place where imagination runs wild, unfettered.

The aesthetics of The Treehouse App has been edited directly by us. The Treehouse App‘s handmade products are drawn in pencil and painted with acrylic paint, without the help of computer graphics or painting programs. The work of man’s hands is visible, because we think that even in the digital age the transformation of matter excites the imagination and nurtures creativity.

The books we propose to readers combine beauty and poetry, amusement and reflexion. They will charm and surprise your children more and more.

The games are simple and intuitive, incorporating brush-coloured graphics. It will be like really seeing children playing with pieces of multicoloured drawings, with beautiful colour spectrums and without excessive sound or noise.

The music is arranged by Laura Francaviglia, a musician and composer who wanted to preserve the authenticity of the product by using live recordings of her instruments.

14th  January 2013

We won the Weekly Competition on iHeartThisApp and now we’re the APP OF THE WEEK!

Thanks to our supporters!